About Us

At Memorial Parkway church of Christ, we earnestly serve God in the manner His word, the Bible, authorizes and commands. We are simply a group of Christians trying to live Christian lives. We gather regularly at our building to worship and study the Bible.

The Church’s Origin

Our members are Christians. The Bible teaches that the early disciples of Jesus were called Christians first at the church in Antioch (Acts 11:26). When one hears the word of God and obeys in baptism, the Lord adds him to His church (Acts 2:47). Then it is the responsibility of that new Christian to join themselves to a local body of believers for mutual edification and accountability. (Acts 9:26;I Cor. 12:27;Heb. 10:24-25).

The Church’s Organization

The church of Christ is not a denomination, nor is it many denominations under one head. The church of Christ is Christ’s body (Eph. 1:22-23;Col. 1:18-19). Just as Christ has but one body, so it is with His church–there is one church. I’m not afraid to say that because that’s what the Bible says–there is one body (Eph. 4:4) and the body is the (Col. 1:18)church; so there’s just one church. That’s not so hard to see when you understand that the church is the saved (Acts 2:47) and there’s only one group of the saved.

The Church’s Creed

The church has only one system of belief-one gospel. The gospel is the teachings of Jesus Christ,his apostles and prophets (Rom. 15:4;Matt. 28:18-20;) Those teachings are the foun-dation on which a man’s obedience is based–and by the approval of Christ Himself (John 12:48). Any other gospel is forbidden. There is no reason for adding or taking from the word of God.It does all that God wants done, when and how He prescribes, and by whom. To add some “discipline,” “catechism,” or “creed” to it is to change its form and substance and make it what God didn’t intend. Just as it’s possible to take a blueprint, recipe, or schematic and build something according to it, the Bible is the blueprint, the recipe and the schematic for the church. It will produce the same thing, generation after generation, no matter the time or culture. It’s God’s plan. It works.

What to Expect When You Visit

Many people are hesitant to attend worship services at an unfamiliar church. To help alleviate any apprehensions you may have regarding this congregation, we would like to explain what you can expect when you visit with us at Memorial Parkway church of Christ.

Courtesy and Kindness

First of all, you will find no exclusive pews for any person. All are greeted with equal courtesy and kindness (Acts 10:34-35; Gal. 3:28). You will find no tendency toward entertainment with beautiful organ or piano music. Like the first century Christians, we will engage in the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). The words used in our songs will be easy to understand (1 Corinthians 14:15). God has commanded the sincere praise of His people to come from the heart (Colossians 3:16).

Order and Reverence

You will not be confused by many people speaking or praying at the same time. Good order will prevail at every service (1 Corinthians 14:33). You will observe one of the brethren leading the congregation reverently and quietly in prayer (1 Timothy 2:1-5). If you attend on Sunday, the Lord’s day, you will observe the congregation eating bread and drinking the fruit of the vine in memory of the death of Christ (Matthew 26:26-29). We do this on the first day of every week, like the Christians in the first century (Acts 20:7). You will not find special collections taken at every service. A collection is taken only on the Lord’s day (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). This congregation is supported by the freewill offerings of its members. We do not ask non-members to financially support our work, nor do we engage in fund raising activities like rummage sales and bingo games. We specialize in being a church, and do not compete with places of amusement.

The Bible is Our Only Guide

You will observe that the Bible is the textbook to which reference is repeatedly made in our classes and sermons. Special emphasis is placed on that part of the Bible known as the New Testament (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Romans 1:16). You will never be asked to accept what some man says about the Bible; we want you to read the Bible for yourself to see “whether those things are so” (Acts 17:11).

Recent Sermons:

3/6/22 “My Ways” Don Smith

2/6/22 “Walking Rightly” Don Smith

1/30/22 “Go and Sin No More” Don Smith

1/23/22 “Spiritual Growth is Choice” Brad Kriel

1/16/22 “Remember the Flood” Brad Kriel

1/9/22 “We Are the Lord’s” Don Smith